Welcome to Sage Femme Press

About Sage Femme

Sage-femme is a term I first heard in Tunisia during the 1970s when I worked in international health. It translates from French to English as wise woman but is commonly used to refer to a traditional midwife. This double meaning has always appealed to me.

Sage Femme Press began in 1999 as a personal endeavor—a way to share my explorations of healing art as nurse, poet and essayist with readers both inside and outside the health professions.

Over time my focus has enlarged. I find myself reflecting on what has turned out to be a long life. Not surprisingly, I’m also addressing the spiritual questions that have engaged me more and more in recent years.

— Veneta Masson

Questions I No Longer Ask

Why good people suffer
Why children die
Why I live in safety and others do not
How I know I have a soul
What happens to it after death
What is God

Poems are how I find things out
but I confess
it is a relief to live without answers
to embrace this life just as it is
with the fragile if embedded inside

If God is good
If God is

  Veneta Masson
from Heresies to Live By